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Bylaws of the Double R Bar Regulators
A Cowboy Action Shooting Club and Not For Profit Organization

Article I: Name


The name of this Organization shall be the “Double R Bar Regulators.”


The Organization shall have a seal which shall be an upright horseshoe and the letters RR with the seraph of the second R wrapping underneath the letter residing in the center of the horseshoe.


The Organization may change its name if it so desires by a majority vote of the general membership.

Article II: Objectives


The objective of this Organization shall be the encouragement of the organized rifle, pistol, and shotgun action type competition, using firearms that were available prior to 1900 or replicas thereof.


Further, while engaging in this sport, competitors are expected to “dress the part” in hats, boots, leather gear, and other costume accoutrements as described in the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) handbook.


It is our purpose to re-create and enjoy the days of the Old West, to promote and communicate the living history of the early American West, and Cowboy history in general, while still enjoying our marksmanship sport. Family participation and the education of our youth in the proper handling of firearms and the history of the American West is both desired and encouraged.

Article III: Membership


Regular membership is open to any legal resident of the United States, within age limitations, that is eligible to own a firearm, agrees to abide by the Bylaws of the Organization and makes timely payment of dues.


The Organization may from time to time wish to bestow an honorary membership upon an individual for some special service or contribution to the shooting sports. Honorary membership shall be granted for a period of one year from date of issuance and may be continued by said member upon completion of this term by joining the ranks of regular members as outlined above.


Junior members shall be at least 12 years old and no more than 16 years old. All shooting participants under 18 years old shall carry on their person written permission from a parent or guardian to participate in shooting activities.


Every member of the Organization shall be encouraged to become a member of the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS), and the National Rifle Association (NRA).

Article IV: Dues and Assessments


Regular members shall pay annual dues of $25.00. Due date for the fees may be changed if so desired by majority vote at a regular business meeting. Family memberships are available to encourage participation of the whole family in the sport. Family memberships will pay $25.00 for the primary member, $20.00 for the spouse or significant other, and $5.00 for children under 16 years old, with a maximum of $50.00 per family. All family members must reside in the same household.


A member of the Organization who is in arrears in dues by thirty (30) days shall not be eligible to vote or to enjoy any of the other privileges or benefits of the Organization.


A member of the Organization who is in arrears in dues by ninety (90) days shall be dropped from the rolls and must re-apply for membership as a new member.


Special assessments can be levied by a majority vote of the members present at a regular business meeting, provided notice of such a proposed assessment is mailed to all members in good standing fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.

Article V: Meetings


Regular Business Meetings – The regular business meeting of the Organization shall be held each month on the first Sunday. Exceptions to the scheduled business meeting may be made by the Executive Board, provided a ten (10) day notice is given to all members.


During the regular meeting, those members in good standing that are present shall constitute a quorum. This meeting shall not be held at or during a shooting event. In the event that neither President nor the Vice President can be present to chair the meeting, the President shall designate a member in good standing as chairman. This meeting shall be open to all club members and guests. All business matters that affect this Organization shall be open for discussion. Members must be present to vote, no absentee or proxy voting will be allowed. Only members in good standing with the Organization shall be allowed to vote.


The order of business during a Regular Business Meeting shall be:

  • Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America.

  • Greeting from the President.

  • Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, the Treasurer’s report, and the Territorial Governor’s report.

  • Reports of Committees.

  • Old and Unfinished Business.

  • New Business.

  • Adjournment.


Special meetings of this Organization may be called by the president when needed for the benefit of the Organization. The executive board of directors, by a 75% majority, or the general membership by a 25% majority may request of the president to call forth a special meeting. Said special meeting announcements shall announce the purpose of the meeting and by whom the meeting has been called. Notification of such meetings shall be made by post or by electronic messaging at least ten (10) days in advance of the meeting date.


Executive Board Meetings – Executive Board meetings shall be held at such time and location as designated by the Executive Board.


Shooting Events – Shooting events shall not be classified as meetings. Announcements may be made, but business shall not be conducted.

Article VI: Voting


During a regular business meeting, voting decisions may be expressed vocally or by a show of hands with the exception of the election of officers. For the election of officers, ballots shall be presented in a fair and anonymous manner.


All issues voted upon shall be approved by the majority of members present. Members present at a regular business meeting shall constitute a quorum of members.

Article VII: Officers and Board of Directors


The officers of the Organization shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Range Officer and Sergeant at Arms. These officers together shall constitute the Executive Board of Directors. Officers of this Organization must be a resident of the State of California.


The Board of Directors shall have the control and management of the affairs and business of this Organization and must always act in the best interests of the Organization.


Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called as needed to manage the business of the Organization or a regular schedule may be set. The Board of Directors may make such rules and regulations covering its meetings as it may in its discretion deem necessary. Members in good standing are welcome to attend these meetings as an audience but may not participate in the proceedings.


Each Board member shall have one vote and such voting may not be done by proxy.


The President shall:

  • Preside at all general meetings as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

  • Appoint all committees, temporary or permanent.

  • Ensure all books, reports, and certificates required by law are properly maintained and filed.

  • Serve as one of the officers other than the Treasurer authorized to sign checks or drafts for the Organization.

  • Have such powers and authority as may be reasonably assumed as belonging to a chief executive.


The Vice President shall:

  • Assume the position of President with all rights and privileges inherent with the presidential position should the existing President become unable to perform his or her duties.


The Secretary shall:

  • Keep the minutes and records of the Organization.

  • File any certificates required by any federal or state statute.

  • Serve all notices to members of this Organization.

  • Serve as official custodian of the records and seal of this Organization.

  • May or may not be one of the officers authorized to sign checks and drafts for the Organization.

  • Present to the membership at any meetings any communication addressed to the Secretary of the Organization.

  • Attend to all correspondence of the Organization.

  • Maintain the membership records for the Organization including but not limited to the handling of annual renewals and its entailments.

  • Exercise all duties inherent to the office of Secretary.


The Treasurer shall:

  • Have the care and custody of all monies belonging to the Organization and shall be solely responsible for such monies or securities.

  • Maintain deposits and expenditures in a regular bank or trust company. Separate accounts may be established and maintained by the Treasurer as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. Funds may be invested in such investments as shall be legal for a non-profit Organization in the State of California should the Board of Directors so rule.

  • Serve as one of the officers who shall sign checks or drafts of the Organization. No special fund may be established for which the Treasurer may not have access to or the authority to sign checks issued upon it.

  • Submit a written financial statement as part of the reports given during the regular monthly business meetings. Said reports shall be attached to the minutes of each meeting.

  • Exercise all duties incidental to the office of Treasurer.


The Range Officer shall:

  • Ensure the safety of the stages written for any shooting event for which the Organization is responsible.

  • Maintain training certifications as may be required by the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) at a level of Range Officer II (RO II) or higher.

  • Stay current on all new rules established by the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS).

  • When called upon, must settle any dispute which might arise regarding the intent of a shooting scenario.


The Sergeant at Arms shall:

  • Lead any gathering of the Organization in the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America.

  • Maintain order at any gathering of the Organization or event hosted by the Organization.

  • Settle any disputes which may arise outside the jurisdiction of the Range Officer at any gathering of the Organization.



  • All committees of this Organization shall be formed on a volunteer basis and shall serve a term of one year or until the function of the committee has been completed.


Territorial Governor shall be a Board appointed position whose designee must meet the criteria established by the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS). The Territorial Governor is to be the liaison between the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) and the Organization. When new rulings are to be voted upon, the Territorial Governor shall be responsible for making the wishes of the Organization known to the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) and further to enforce new rulings as may be established by the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS)


The Executive Board shall serve for a minimum of one year with the installation of the incoming board to be held at the January monthly business meeting. The nomination of members for positions on the Executive Board shall be held in August, and the election of officers shall be conducted in November at the monthly business meetings.


The Executive Board shall have general supervision and control of all the activities of the club, including the disbursement of funds. Any decision of the Executive Board may be reversed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of ballots cast by the members in good standing present at a regular business meeting.


The resignation of any officer must be accepted by the remaining members of the Executive Board.


A vacancy in the Executive Board shall be filled by presidential appointment subject to the approval of the members in good standing, and the appointee shall serve until the next general election for that position. However, if more than two vacancies exist; new officers shall be elected at a regular business meeting of the Organization to fill the vacancies for the remainder of the unexpired terms. Should the office of President and Vice President become vacant simultaneously, the remainder of the Executive Board may select from its members in good standing a President, Pro Tem, to preside over the meeting of the Organization in order to elect a new President and Vice President.


A director may be removed from office when sufficient cause exists for such removal. The Board of Directors may entertain charges against any director. A director may be represented by counsel upon any removal hearing. The Board of Directors shall adopt such rules for this hearing as it may in its discretion consider necessary for the best interests of the Organization.


No officer shall for reason of his office be entitled to receive any salary or compensation. However, nothing herein shall be construed to prevent that officer from receiving compensation for duties other than as a director or officer.

Article VIII: Salaries


No officer of the Organization or Board of Director member shall receive a salary from this Organization. Other compensations may be given as deemed necessary however.

Article IX: Removal from Membership


Any officer may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership in good standing at any special meeting called for this purpose. No vote on suspension or removal shall be taken unless at least fifteen (15) days notice in writing shall have been given to the officer of the reason for his removal is to be taken. At such special meeting, the officer shall be given full hearing.


Any member may be suspended or expelled from the club for any cause deemed sufficient by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative of the Executive Board. At such meeting, the member under charges will be accorded a full hearing.


Charges against any officer or member may be preferred by any member in good standing. They shall be in writing, clearly stating the facts, and accompanied by all affidavits and/or exhibits that are to be used in their support. Such charges shall be filed with the Secretary, who will immediately notify the President. The President will then call a meeting of the Executive Board to hear the charges. The Secretary will give at least fifteen (15) days notice of the meeting to each member of the Executive Board and to the accuser and to the accused, which notice shall be in writing and will include a true copy of the charges and supporting affidavits and exhibits.


Any member suspended or expelled by the Executive Board may appeal to the full membership of the Organization. Such appeal shall be made in writing to the Secretary, within thirty (30) days, who shall notify the President. The President shall call a special meeting of the Organization for the purpose of acting on the appeal. The Secretary shall give at least thirty (30) days notice in writing to all members in good standing, stating the date, time, place, and reason for such meeting. At the full meeting of the Organization, the secretary will read the original charges, the supporting affidavits, and will read or display the accompanying exhibits, and shall read the minutes of the special meeting of the Executive Board at which the charges were heard and actions taken. A full hearing shall be given the accuser and the accused. A vote shall be taken of the members in good standing present and two-thirds (2/3) vote shall be required to confirm the action of the Executive Board.


Any member of the Organization who has been suspended or expelled by the NRA shall automatically stand suspended or expelled from the Organization.


Thirty (30) days after a member’s dues have become delinquent, the club privileges shall be denied and membership shall be terminated after ninety (90) days in arrears.

Article X: Amendments


A proposed amendment to these Bylaws may be introduced by any member in good standing of the Organization at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for this purpose. After approval by the Board of Directors, the amendment must be acted upon by membership at a regular meeting or a special meeting called for the purpose, providing a copy of the approved amendment has been sent to each member in good standing at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the quorum will be necessary to pass or reject the amendment.

Article XI: Disbursement of Organization Assets


Upon dissolution of the Organization, any moneys remaining in the Organization treasury shall be donated to a non-profit Organization or charity after all expenses of this Organization are satisfied. The Organization to receive these moneys shall be nominated and voted upon at a monthly meeting held just prior to the dissolution.

Happy Trails
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